Monday, April 27, 2009

It was prom on Saturday and I did some hair. Here is one of my up-do clients, Margaret Trajan, my friend Kathy's younger sister. I love doing up do's. They might be my favourite part of doing hair. They can be stressful though, depending on who you're dealing with, and what the event is. Weddings are kind of scary if you don't really know the bride. Wedding hair has to be perfect. Margaret is always a good client. She's overly enthusiastic about anything I do to her hair. (I usually cut it) I'm learning more about up do's from doing them, and since I don't do them that often, the curve is sort of slow. Anyway, this is one I was proud of. They aren't the best pictures because of lighting and such, but it'll give you an idea

And here is the final product. That's all natural red hair by the way. No fair.

Anywho, tomorrow I begin my journy to the land of caribou and guns to meet my new nephew Owen and spend some time with a certain green bean. Ann offered to take Adriel for a week so I could go visit her. I'm rather excited, although I know that a week is going to fly by so fast. I taking the bus up early Wednesday morning. The bus turned out to be cheaper than taking my car due to the cost of the ferry. I'm feeling a little anxious about taking Sloan on the bus, like am I going to have to sit beside someone, and consistantly nurse in front of them? And I'm going to have to have him on my lap at all times?? Thats a long time to be holding a baby without a break. Unless they let me take my car seat on, but then the guy on the phone said that I could bring it on as a carry on and stow it above my seat. That didn't really make sense to me. Why bring it on board at all if it has to go above my seat the whole time?? I also feel like I need to bring so much stuff, and don't know how to go about packing it all. I have some clothes for Owen, seeing as I have two boys of my own, and I have to bring hair stuff to do mom's hair. No, it can't wait, this is mom we're talking about and she is more vain than any of her daughters, I must say. Not that she should be critisized for it necessarily, because as a result, she always looks good. I don't. It's sort of embarrasing actually, because I'm a hairdresser, and during the week I hardly do my hair. I go out, and many people who I know, who know I'm a hair stylist see me like that. No make up, and ratty, fluffly, frizzy hair. That gives a really bad impression, I'm sure. I mean how can people expect me to be good at doing hair, if I can't even do my own? It's not that I can't do my own, it's that I don't do my own, but they don't know that. I totally went off on a hair tangent. So I'm headed off to the land of Caribou and guns and that's my point. It's not as if you hear from me that often, but it'll explain the lack of blogging for this week. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of Owen because we need to see what he looks like.

Something I feel I need to address is that Amy said he was that cutest newborn she has ever seen. This is coming from someone who has said that newborns just aren't cute. How is that supposed to make others feel? Hmm? Others who have had newborns. Others who have had newborns recently...I'm just saying is all. Why can't my newborns be cute? To other people I mean. Of course they're cute to me. Not that I doubt Owen is cute, and I can't wait to meet him. I love newborns.

Well Sloan just fell asleep on the floor and I don't want to move him. I'm going to bed. Oh and Happy Birthday to Laura, how has 18 minutes of her actual day to go. A whole week to follow.

Sarahstottle posted @ 11:01 AM

Thursday, April 09, 2009
Here's cute Adriel with his new blanket. I'm really happy with it, I think it's so cute and boyish and it suits him.

My Easter weekend was alright. Good Friday consisted of Kyle being sick and lazing about the house. Adriel was also sick, coughing and sneezing and having a runny nose all over the place. So instead of it being a fun, nice holiday off together it wasn't. Besides if Kyle wasn't sick he was going to go to Youth Conference down in Victoria. I did get to go out though, while Adriel was in bed and go Easter shopping with Ann. I bought Adriel and Sloan some really cute Easter/spring church clothes, and Ann contributed too. What can I say? Children's Place had some great sales! On Friday night I went to bed with a funny feeling in my throat. I took cold fx. On Saturday I could still feel it in my throat, but chose to ignore it, seeing as it wasn't that bad, and since I was taking cold fx I thought it wouldn't get bad. I went out and got the stuff to decorate eggs. You see, I've been impatiently waiting for Adriel to be old enough to do this with me. I knew I was taking a risk with that but did it anyway. It was fun. Kyle did it with us, and Adriel loved it. He wasnt so into colouring on the eggs with crayon, he just liked dunking them in different colours. Kyle and I tried the Laura way I admired a few years ago, and put elastics around the eggs. Some turned out, others didn't. Kyle thought he was pretty clever when he discovered he could write on the eggs with white crayon so you didn't realize there was anything on it until you put it in the dye. While Kyle and Adriel and Sloan were in bed I got started on the buns I had to make for the Easter dinner at Aimee's house that night. She had us, Ann, Evan and Esther and their kids and her Mom and her mom's boyfriend over. Anyway, Adriel, for some reason, woke up crying from his nap, and he came out of his room and cried on my lap for about ten minutes. Just sat there and cried inconsollably. Every now and then he'd get annoyed and kick against me with his legs. urgh. Well that should have been a preview to how my evening was going to be.

At Aimee's house once we got there and I sat down, I suddenly was washed over by this weak, achy feeling. Great, nice work cold fx. I guess I didn't start taking it soon enough. I knew it was sort of inevitable, what with Adriel coughing in my face and me having to wipe his nose every few minutes. When it came time for dinner, the kids' table was set up in the kitchen. Kyle put together a plate of food for Adriel, because I was nursing Sloan and not feeling well. Then I heard this wailing from the kitchen: "I want to see Mommy! I want to see Mommy!" Why? Why is he such a momma's boy? I mean I like being the favourite, but does it have to be by such a large margin? So I went into the kitchen and had to force him to eat part of his food because he didn't want to. I don't get it. All the kids, who he loves, were around the table eating and he didn't want to do it with them. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is. Meanwhile everyone else was in the dining room eating. I got to the table after everyone else, and by that time Sloan was fussing. Aimee came to the rescue so I could eat, because she was done.

After dinner was the Easter Egg hunt. We hid eggs out in the yard. There was a specific number of eggs for each child. Adriel loved it. Well all the kids of course, loved it. Evan was hilarious, yelling excitedly in his husky voice. After that Ann gave out her easter stuff for everyone (the kids) Among this stuff was a chocolate bunny. Basically she gave it to him and then he took it running to me for me to open it for him. I started to open it with the intention of breaking off a small piece when Ann yelled from across the room that it was for later. I then asked "then why did you give it to him now?" Feeling a little confused about the situation. I mean, who shows a two year old candy or chocolate that you have for them and then hands it to them, and then takes it away because they can't have it right then? It doesn't make sense to me. I would just get it out when they are allowed to have it. Ann's response was defensive as she said "just tell him it's for later and put it away. He'll have to deal with it, that's what we did with the other kids" ie, Aimee and scott's kids who weren't nearly so interested in the chocolate as Adriel was. Aimee just said that it was for later because she didn't want kids devouring a whole solid chocolate easter bunny freely while roaming her house. I didn't blame her for this, I was just going to give him a bite and then put it away while he was distracted. So we went the kitchen table, where I broke off a piece for Adriel. Well a piece was not good enough for him, and he threw a big fit. I explained it was a piece or nothing at all, as he followed me into the living room with his high pitched wail that many of you are familiar with. Ann thought she'd superiorly step in and scold him for throwing such a tantrum, and said "none of the other kids are behaving this way!" Somehow she failed to notice Evan flailing on the floor behind Adriel, crying for the exact same reason. Her attempt didn't work either. I put the bunny in my bag, feeling annoyed and flustered at the whole situation. Just as I did that Kyle said "Sarah, don't give in to him when he's acting like that." I wasn't!! Maybe it's just me, but I dont think it's a realistic expectation to show a two and a half year old child a huge piece of chocolate and expect him to be ok with not having any. So annoying. I mean, I know I'm really going off about it, but it bugged me. I felt ganged up on. Adriel was wailing and crying so I took him into the bathroom and put his jammies on, and told him he could go watch a movie with the rest of the kids or we could go home. He went down stairs for a while. I started to feel worse so we went home not long after that. Then the fever came, I was impossibly cold. Then there were the sick sleep dreams, and the sweating and all the yucky things that go with that.

It was disappointing that I was sick because I was just not up to going to church in the morning, and i had these new outfits for the boys that I was excited to wear on them, plus it was Easter! So Kyle took Adriel for sacrament meeting and then brought him home because he was still pretty sick too. Kyle and I watched two weeks notice in order to fulfill my need for a good chick flick because I missed sister movie night. After naps we went out to parksville with Ann to Baz and Pauline's house. We were invited to their daughter's second birthday. If any of you are wondering who they are- they're Kyle's black friends, Baz was in his wedding party. She always does this huge affair, with all her friends and stuff. There werent as many people there this time, but still lots of people, and mostly adults which is sort of funny for a two year olds party. I guess because they don't have a lot of friends with kids. The food is always amazing. She puts out this huge spread of Jamacan food. There was appetizers and then a dinner. There were fruit kabobs and Salmon kabobs and truffles and yummy cheese, veggies and dip, fried name a few of my favourites. The whole time she slaves away in the kitchen, you don't even get to see her really. I was feeling a little better, not as achey, that's why I went. However, I couldn't fully get rid of the sweats. The sweats never started happening until this one time I got really really sick with a bad flu when Adriel was a baby. Then they happened for a while after I had Sloan at night when I'd be sleeping. Apparently that was a hormonal thing. But it's the same sort of sweat thing. I remember that time when I was sick with the flu and waking up being totally soaked and Kyle beling like "did you leak?" Yes, I leaked and I managed to soak my whole body with milk...
Ok so I got off topic. We had to leave the party early to get back to Nanaimo for the Easter music night. It....was not good. The only good part was Esther's song, which was soo soo beautiful, as her songs always are, and Michealah's song but you couldn't hear her very well. The rest was the choir singing sacrament hymn after hymn in a slow droning manner. Not that I have anything against the sacrament hymns. I like them. It was just sort of boring to listen to a choir singing them without doing anything different to the arrangements and stuff. Plus there's so many other pretty songs that could have been done. Oh well.

Easter Monday was when we hid our baskets for eachother. Kyle still had to go out and buy mine (typical). He came home and immediately hid mine, and said I had to look for it first, so that I didn't find mine while hiding his. Now Kyle has come a long way. The first year he hid it under our covers, and me seeing a lump there went to look there first. He then yanked it out of my hand and insisted that he hide it again. Then he hid it behind the curtains on the window ledge in our living room and I also found it with in seconds. He's gotten better. I've gotten to the point where I don't want to look for very long either. I remember spending hours looking for it at mom and dad's. He made up rules- that you can't hide things in the closet, because it made things too messy, pulling everything out and messing it up. Fair enough. But there isn't much more to my house other than closets. I didn't realize that there were two parts to mine this year. I went to open his guitar case and thought to myself, this is a good spot, if he didn't use it, I will. Inside was this big Belgian chocolate egg with little chocolates inside. Apparently it was too big to fit in my basket. Kyle said proudly that it was 13$ off! "It better be good" I said. Meh. The rest of my basket was under Sloan's clothes in his hamper. I hid Kyle's behind our bed. It took him a while. Not as long as me though. I put Adriel's in his toy box with a trail of eggs leading up to it, because he's just not that good at looking for things yet. He barely got any chocolate in his. I got him some toys instead. I hate how he gets about candy. I just don't want to give him much. We hurried Adriel down for a nap so that we could go to coombs with Katie and Brent in the early afternoon. He didn't really fall asleep though for a long time because he was too riled up about his basket. He took a few eggs to bed with him and he woke up with blue streaks on his face and neck and hands. What kind of mother am I? I let my child take candy to bed? I was just trying to make him happy so he'd go to sleep and get a decent nap in before coombs. I learned my lesson.

Coombs was fun. The kids played around in the toy section. It was a lot more spacious and less crowded than usual, which was nice. They moved the ice cream thing to the outside A-frame. Of course, because of the guys, we had to get ice cream. Even though it was only a few hours before dinner and they were coming over for a barbecue. After the ice cream, basically Brent and Kyle wanted to leave. I mean, is that the only reason to drive so far? Just for the ice cream??? We went outside so the kids could run around and play, and Katie and I managed to get away to look in one shop. It was a clothing store and it was soooo ugly. However, we did find some nice silky button-up collared shirts for the hubbies. I picked out one for Brent that was flowy with cars all over it, and Katie picked one out for Kyle that was a little more goth style, also very flowy and silky, it was white with a black gothy detailing and patterns throughout. I suggested they wear them to the family reunion. There was also a red silk one with a tiger embroidered on the back that we thought could be worn unbuttoned to reveal a tasteful amount of chest hair...ha ha.

We came home and had a yummy feast of burgers with cheese buns, mushrooms and onions, salad, and baked cubed sweet potatoes with this garlic seasoning that I have. We visited. Adriel wreaked havoc, getting several time outs through out the night. Brent suggested we watch survivor, even though they were ahead of us in episodes. So we did. Katie made DELICIOUS strawberry short cake for us, in which most of us had two helpings and then they left and we put our monster to bed.

That pretty much sums up our Easter weekend. This was a really long post...I hope you are well fed, and feel up to date on the goings on in my life.

Sarahstottle posted @ 8:11 AM

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