Monday, August 20, 2007
Wow look at that. Two days in a row. Who woulda thought? It just so happens I have a spare moment. Not that I necessarily have anything interesting to write about. I didnt write anything about the family reunion because it seemed too daunting a task.
After the first night by myself with Adriel in the tent I didnt think I was going to make it the whole week. He woke up several times and ended up spending a lot of time in bed with me which isnt the most comfortable. You see, he's not just sleeping with me, he's attached to me so I cant move. During the days he was often grumpy and needy and just wanted me to hold him the whole time. And when he wasnt doing that, he was getting into mischief. To quote Laura- "teetering on the edge of danger." Sounds like I would have had a horrible time, but those details were outshone by other things like being with my family, having laughs, creating memories, etc. There was the time that we went to qualicum river in the rain, which was a rediculous move on my part. Ann had Adriel, I was exhausted and could have had a nap in her hotel room, but nope I couldnt pass up the opportunity to go to the river with my sisters. I dont feel like going into great detail, but it was FREEZING and Ben had the gall to splash us as we were getting in. I was an icicle when we got back, shivering so hard and uncontrollably that I could barely eat my food. But I ended up having a bath in Ann's hotel so it was fine after that. Ann saved me. She came out on thursday and it was nice to get a break. I painted a tile. I still dont like it. Everyone's was better than mine. I need more practice painting. I enjoyed wearing the glow bracelets that mom brought for the grandkids. I'd match pretty colours together and then admire them while Laura congratulated me on it. The talent show was fun. I really enjoyed hearing Layne sing and play. I always forget about how talented he is and I LOVE his voice. Other people did nice things as well. Thats all for now on the reeeheewn.
Today i went to work. I love my job. Im so lucky that Im one of the few people in this world that can say sincerely that I love my job and that going to work isnt something I dread at all. Its fun. I work for great people. My clients are nice. I only go for a few hours a week, and I get all the free education I want. And benefits. This salon puts the Cutting Room to shame when it comes to how the employees are treated. I guess thats because Megan learned what not to do from working at the cutting room. Elicia came in to see me today. I did her roots and added some subtle lighter brown highlights. It's fun when people I know come in to see me. We had some good laughs and caught up on things. She comes tomorrow for a haircut. I know you want one Katie, so why dont you phone me and set one up? It wont bother me. We could do it for your birthday.
I made salmon tonight. It was yummy.
Sarahstottle posted @ 8:33 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I finished the last Harry Potter book today. I wont give anything away. Im satisfied. It's such a good story. Im sad it's all over though. No more to look forward to, but it was time. Kyle went to Powell River to speak today, so I was on my own. He had to leave at 4:45am. Yuck. I managed to get up and get to church in decent time. I try so hard every week and yet we are late. Today I came in during the opening song. Not bad. At first I was sitting on my own in a side pew at the back. I was counting on Ann sitting with me. I was surprised that I beat her there. She only has to get herself ready, and I heard her up at around 7. I wonder if it's a curse of living too close to the church? Because Kimme, Dave and Mary all came later than I was. After sacrament, David came and sat with me and then Ann soon followed. Together we were a pretty good team of keeping Adriel entertained. Adriel was playing with some cars on the pew and Dave would make his hand creep up to him like a spider and when it got to close, Adriel would sort of grunt and push it away, rather annoyed. It was funny. Just the sort of reaction that David deserves. We managed to stay in for the whole sacrament meeting. He finally figured out how to escape the pew just after the closing prayer.
While setting up for primary, he likes to move all the chairs around and climb on them. You make a straight row and then he moves it around right away. Then I started this new routine where I put him in his stoller lying down with a bottle and a blanket and I walk him around the dark gym so as to have no other distractions and he goes to sleep. Then Ann takes him to relief society.
In primary mom gave a really nice lesson about the holy ghost and recognising it. She planned on letting the kids share experiences and then they got to put a gift on the board. She was worried because the primary was really small today and thought maybe no one would participate. But surprisingly, I think everyone gave at least one experience, and lots of people shared more than once. It was really uplifting to hear them talk about their testimonies. Then Natalie gave a really really cute talk about the holy ghost. Earlier Katie gave me a hard time because she had difficulty preparing a talk on that topic with a five year old. But it was simple and sweet and I thought she did a wonderful job. And she drew pictures to go with each thing. So I didnt feel so bad about it.
I came home and hung out with Adriel. He played rather cutely and contentedly while I read. We ate white cheddar kraft dinner together. We had a nap. He sat im my room and pulled the laundry out of the laundry basket for a long time. He's just so darn cute. I love watching his personality unfold more and more each day.
We went to Justin and Rachel's for dinner. We had a nice visit. Adriel didnt throw up on the carpet this time. When we got home (around 8) Kyle went to bed. That was my day. All in all, a good one.
Sarahstottle posted @ 9:31 PM